Wednesday 11 May 2011

Kesha debut single Tik Tok

Kesha latest bandwagon "If it sounds similar sue" jump has become a star.

The singer, whose debut single was called Tik Tok the sound made ​​by an hour for iPod Nanos that called rubber watch strap ... This ... Tik Tok is waiting for generating Labs Wimo after sending a legal team was told. Okay, they can drag to your hair hung down until their feet.

Kesha thinks is legal if the boys get what they want, this company is to hand over all the shares they have straps, but with a bit of common sense will be one person, it is not easy As the singer can think think.

Property expert David Leichtman said, “She’ll have to show customer studies proving that people are making an association between her and the product when buying it.”

After Baby Gaga and the like, we really do not care now. I'm sure people are not looking for a watchstrap thinking, I bought this one because I look like a song Hmm. He further said that the nano they want to buy a lease are likely. Maybe just me though.

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